محل تبلیغات شما

After dirt took us over, magic lost attention. 

We were searching the roads, but for no destination. 

And I said to wind, stop torturing Oceans. 

Waves scream their beings, and fight stones for bigger life. 

No way in and no way out, that's wave, that's wind, that's rain, that's cloud. Or is it where we burried something we never felt. Something that must be and we can only feel the LACK of it. 




Ps: Black dog knows the way to be loved. . 

لبخندی ب مضحک بودن زندگیم

دنیا هم نچرخه من میچرخم

Madness is somewhere between chaos and dreaming

that ,and ,s ,we ,the ,way ,that s ,felt something ,something that ,never felt ,we never



محل تبلیغات شما

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